Table 1

Limb Abnormalities in Smoc1Tp/Tp Mutants

GenotypeTalipes Valgus (No. of Affected/Total No. of Pups)Forelimb Abnormalities (No. of Limbs)Hindlimb Syndactyly (No. of Limbs)
Other External Abnormalities (No. of Pups)4th and 5th Metatarsal Fusion (No. of Affected/Total No. of Limbs)
None2/3a3/4b2/3/4c4 Digits
Postnatal Day 0

Smoc1Tp/+ (line 1, C57BL/6J)0/420840000
Smoc1Tp/+ (line 2, ICR mixed)0/380760000
Smoc1Tp/Tp (line 1, C57BL/6J)10/100303122
Smoc1Tp/Tp (line 2, ICR mixed)13/171d119419cleft palate (3)

Postnatal Day 14

Smoc1Tp/+ (line 1, C57BL/6J)0/7001400000
Smoc1Tp/Tp (line 1, C57BL/6J)11/1118e27382hypoplastic thumbs (5)9/10f
aSyndactyly between the 2nd and 3rd digits.
bSyndactyly between the 3rd and 4th digits.
cSyndactyly between the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th digits.
d2/3 soft tissue syndactyly.
eEleven limbs showed 2/3 webbing, four limbs showed 2/3 soft tissue syndactyly, and one limb showed 3/4 syndactyly.
fBased on examination of skeletal preparations.