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Figure 2

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Reduced body weights in Rcan2 −/− mice.

(A, B) Growth curves of male (A) and female (B) mice fed a normal chow diet. Sixteen Rcan2 +/+, 29 Rcan2 +/−, and 15 Rcan2 −/− males were analyzed from postnatal week 3 to week 10, and 9, 16, and 7, respectively, after postnatal week 10. Eighteen Rcan2 +/+, 34 Rcan2 +/−, and 23 Rcan2 −/− females were analyzed from postnatal week 3 to week 10, and 11, 19, and 17, respectively, after postnatal week 10. **: P<0.001, ***: P<0.0001 (vs Rcan2 +/+); +: P<0.05, ++: P<0.005 (vs Rcan2 +/−). (C) Representative examples of 9-month-old Rcan2 +/+ and Rcan2 −/− males. (D) Mean body weights of ten 9-month-old Rcan2 +/+ and Rcan2 −/− males. (E) Mean tibia lengths of eight 9-month-old Rcan2 +/+ and Rcan2 −/− males. (F) Mean weight of epididymal and retroperitoneal white adipose tissue (EWAT and RWAT, respectively) in ten 9-month-old Rcan2 +/+ and Rcan2 −/− males. All values are given as mean ± s.e.m. ***: P<0.0001. Filled circles/columns indicate Rcan2 +/+ mice; open circles/columns, Rcan2 −/− mice.

Images in this article

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4
  • Figure 5
  • Figure 6
  • Figure 7

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