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Table 1.

The comparative mechanisms of action and behavioral effects of alkaloid secondary metabolites in insects and humans/mammals

Phytochemical (group)Insect models
Human/mammal models
MechanismGenus, family, or plantEffect on behaviorMechanismEffect on behavior
Atropine (tropane alkaloid)Family: SolanaceaeMuscarinic ACh receptor antagonist (80)Impaired memory retrieval (one trial olfactory conditioning) (81)Muscarinic ACh receptor antagonist (82)Impairs memory in primates and humans (83)
Plant: e.g. Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade)
Caffeine (purine alkaloid)Plants: e.g. Coffea arabica, Camellia sinensis (tea), Paulinia cupana (guarana), Ilex paraguariensis (Maté), Theobroma cacao (Cocoa)Adenosinergic (63) and dopaminergic (84) receptor interactions, specifically involving DA D1 receptor signaling (63)Increased arousal and decreased sleep (46, 61), decreased tonic immobility (62)competitive antagonist of inhibitory adenosine A1 and A2 receptors → increased dopaminergic and glutamatergic activity (64)Increased alertness and improved attention in humans (69)
Cocaine (tropane alkaloid)Plant: Erythroxylum coca (Coca)DA synthesis and binding – plus interaction with tyramine (85)Increased drosophila grooming (86) and dancing in bees (87) at low doses. Increased and erratic acivity, paralysis and death with increasing dose.Increased extracellular DA by blockade of DA transporter (88)Increased alertness, euphoria, motor activity in humans (89)
Ephedrine (alkaloid)Family: EphedraceaeIncreased dopaminergic signaling (90) via DA D1 receptors (63)Increased arousal/decreased sleep (63, 90)Interact with adrenergic receptors (91) increase DA efflux and inhibit monoamine oxidase (88)Increased alertness, arousal, motor activity, concentration, well-being in humans (89)
Plant: e.g. Ephedra sinica
Synthesized as Methamphetamine
Morphine (isoquinoline alkaloid)Plant: Papaver somniferumOpioid receptor binding (92)Decreased protective reaction to noxious stimuli (92) and increased feeding behavior (93)Opioid receptor binding (94)Euphoria, analgesia, sedation in humans (89)
Nicotine (pyridine alkaloid)Plant: Nicotiana tabacum (tobbaco)Agonist nicotinic ACh receptor binding (95)hyperactivity at low doses - hypokinesis and akinesis at higher doses (96)Agonist nicotinic ACh receptor binding → ACh, glutamate, 5-HT and DA activity (75)Stimulant effects and improved attention and memory (78)
Physostigmine (indole alkaloid)Plant: Physostigma venenosum (Calabar bean)Cholinesterase inhibitor and direct agonistic nicotinic ACh receptor binding (97)Allosteric nicotinic ACh receptor agonist, but at higher doses blocks open channels (98)Improves memory in aged primates and humans (83)
Pilocarpine (imidazole alkaloid)Genus: PilocarpusMuscarinic ACh receptor agonist (80)Improved memory (nestmate recognition) (36)Muscarinic ACh receptor agonist (82)Improved cognitive function inc memory in old rats (99) and young primates (but high level of side effects) (100)
Scopolamine (tropane alkaloid)Family: SolanaceaeMuscarinic ACh receptor antagonist (80)Memory decrements (one trial olfactory conditioning) (80) decrements in memory (nestmate recognition) (36)Muscarinic ACh receptor antagonist (101)Human cognitive and memory decrements (101)
Plant: e.g. Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade)