Table 4

 Characteristics of infected women, for those who delivered preterm and those who delivered at term. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

CharacteristicPreterm (n=59)Not preterm (n=131)*P value
Trimester of infection:0. 046†
 First (0-11 weeks)0 (0)10 (8)
 Second (12-23 weeks)8 (14)24 (18)
 Third (≥24 weeks)51 (86)97 (74)
Median (interquartile range) No of symptoms‡ at presentation4 (3-5)5 (3-6)0.09§
Median (interquartile range) days before start of treatment3 (1-7)3 (1-6)0.46†
Treated within 2 days of infection:
 Yes28 (53)69 (57)0.61
 No25 (47)52 (43)
Immunised against 2009/H1N1:
 Yes2 (4)7 (6)0.72§
 No54 (96)119 (94)
Admitted to intensive care unit:
 Yes32 (54)16 (12)<0.001
 No27 (46)115 (88)
Pneumonia as secondary infection:
 Yes12 (20)5 (4)0.001†
 No47 (80)126 (96)
 Yes9 (15)18 (14)0.78
 No50 (85)113 (86)
Other comorbidity:
 Yes15 (25)23 (18)0.21
 No44 (75)108 (82)
Delivered by caesarean section:
 Yes42 (72)39 (30)<0.001
 No16 (28)92 (70)
Indication for caesarean section:
 Maternal influenza infection22 (52)3 (8)<0.001†
 Other20 (48)36 (92)

*Considering only those women with birth after 37 weeks who had confirmed infection before 37 weeks.

†Fisher’s exact test.

‡Fever, cough, sore throat, headache, tiredness/lethargy, limb or joint pain, diarrhoea, breathlessness, vomiting, rhinorrhoea.

§Wilcoxon rank sum test.
