Fig. 1.

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PERK activation in ECM-detached cells is associated with autophagy induction. (A) Whole-cell lysates from MCF10A cells adhered (A) or suspended for 24 h (S) and immunoblotted (IB) with indicated antibodies (Abs). The graph shows the percentage of autophagic (autophagosome puncta staining) MCF10A GFP-LC3 adhered or 24 h suspended cells. (B) Adhered (A) or suspended (S) MCF10A cells were treated or not treated with 5% Matrigel (MGel), and LC3 processing was detected by IB. (C) Adhered Fv2E-ΔNPERK MCF10A cell lines were transfected with GFP-LC3 plasmid and treated or not treated (control) with 100 pM AP10287 (AP) (dimerizing molecule) for 24 h, or adhered GFP-CL3 MCF10A cells were treated or not treated (control) with 100 nM salubrinal; cells were fixed and the percentage of autophagic cells was scored and quantified using fluorescence microscopy. The right panels show representative images of autophagic Fv2E-ΔNPERK (+AP) and GFP-LC3 (+Sal) MCF10A cells. Blue, 4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI); green, GFP-LC3. Scale bars are 5 μm. (D) Adhered Fv2E-ΔNPERK MCF10A cell line transfected with GFP-LC3 plasmid and treated with 100 pM or 2 nM AP or with vehicle [Et(Oh)] for 24 h were stained with EtBr, and the percentage of apoptotic cells was further measured by FACS. Right graph, population doubling during exponential growth (from day 2 to 8) of Fv2E-ΔNPERK MCF10A cells treated with vehicle (ethanol) or 100 pM or 2 nM AP. Cells were collected, and viability was determined using trypan blue exclusion. n.s., not significant. (E) Whole-cell lysates from Fv2E-ΔNPERK MCF10A cells treated or not treated with 100 pM AP and in combination with 0.1 mM leupeptin and 20 mM NH4Cl as indicated were analyzed by IB for the indicated antigens. Leupeptin- and NH4Cl-mediated inhibition of lysosomal degradation resulted in LC3-II accumulation (lane 3). Densitometric analysis (bottom panel) for LC3 flux was determined using Image J software (n = 3). (F) MCF10A cells were transfected with 5 μg cDNA encoding GST-BHMT (glutathione S-transferase fused to betaine homocysteine S methyltransferase 1). After 24 h, the cells were cultured in full growth medium, serum-free medium (6 h), or medium with AP20185 (100 pM) in the presence or absence of 10 nM bafilomycin A1 (BafA). Whole-cell lysates were immunoblotted for the indicated antigens. Myc Ab was used to detect GFP-myc (expressed from an internal ribosome entry site [IRES] sequence) as a control for transfection efficiency.
