Selection Characteristics of Compounds Chosen for the Determination of LC50 Using 3D Spheroids

CompoundMetabolic cytochrome (references)Terminal elimination half-life (h), (Schulz and Schmoldt, 2003)Target tissue (at therapeutic dose)
APAP1A2, 2E1, and 3A4 (Hazai et al., 2002; Manyike et al., 2000)3CNS
Amiodarone3A4 (Zahno et al., 2011)75Cardiac cells
Diclofenac2C9 (Mancy et al., 1999)1.5Inflammatory cells
Metformin3A4 (Choi et al., 2010)3Liver
Phenformin1A1, 2D6 (Boobis et al., 1983; Granvil et al., 2002)7Liver
Valproic acid4B1 (Rettie et al., 1995)15CNS

Note. CNS, central nervous system.
