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FIG. 6.

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Chronic effects of ZLN005 in skeletal muscle and liver of db/db mice. A: RT-PCR analysis was used to measure mRNA levels from the gastrocnemius of animals (n = 6–8). B: RT-PCR analysis was used to measure the mRNA levels of the glucose production gene, mitochondrial biogenesis gene, and fatty acid oxidation gene in livers of animals (n = 6–8). C: Mitochondrial DNA copy number of gastrocnemius muscle and liver from ZLN005-treated and untreated db/db mice (n = 6–8). D and E: AMPK and ACC phosphorylation from the abdominal muscle (D) and liver (E) of db/db mice. The ratio of the phosphorylation level to the protein level of AMPK and ACC was determined. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with vehicle.

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  • FIG. 1.
  • FIG. 2.
  • FIG. 3.
  • FIG. 4.
  • FIG. 5.
  • FIG. 6.

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