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Figure 2.

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smMIP capture performance and detection of low-frequency variation. (A) Distributions of minimum coverage in a given percentile of total targeted coding positions, rank-ordered by smc-read coverage, for eight HapMap cell line (red) and 45 clinical cancer (blue and green) samples (box plot center line: median; top and bottom edges: quartiles; whiskers: farthest data point within 150% of interquartile range; dots: outliers). Zeroth-percentile indicates maximum coverage. (B) Distributions of fraction of coding positions above a given smc-read coverage cutoff. (C) Observed versus expected variant frequency in smc-read base-calls from mixtures of HapMap genomic DNA samples at known ratios for positions with at least 100× coverage (R = 0.94). Ideal performance is shown as gray line (y = x).

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  • Figure 1.
  • Figure 2.
  • Figure 3.
  • Figure 4.

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