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Vaccine. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 Jun 26.
Published in final edited form as:
Vaccine. 2013 Jun 26; 31(30): 3051–3058.
Published online 2013 May 10. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2013.04.063

Table 3

Number and Percentage of Subjects with Systemic Reactions Recorded on Diary Cards After the First and Second Injections

MedDRA Preferred TermBioThrax 0.5 mL (N=18)AV7909Saline Placebo 0.5 mL (N=15)
Form. 1 AVA 0.5 mL + CPG 7909 0.5 mg
Form. 2 AVA 0.5 mL + CPG 7909 0.25 mg
Form. 3 AVA 0.25 mL + CPG 7909 0.5 mg
Form. 4 AVA 0.25 mL + CPG 7909 0.25 mg
First Injection
Any Systemic Reactiona10 (55.6)12 (66.7)7 (41.2)3 (15.8)7 (38.9)b5 (33.3)
 Fever02 (11.1)1 (5.9)002 (13.3)
 Fatiguec6 (33.3)9 (50.0)3 (17.6)3 (15.8)4 (22.2)2 (13.3)
 Muscle achingd4 (22.2)8 (44.4)3 (17.6)02 (11.1)2 (13.3)
 Headachee6 (33.3)11 (61.1)5 (29.4)1 (5.3)5 (27.8)b2 (13.3)
 Nausea/GI upset1 (5.6)4 (22.2)2 (11.8)2 (10.5)2 (11.1)2 (13.3)
Second Injection
Any Systemic Reactionf7 (38.9)b14 (77.8)b7 (41.2)4 (21.1)9 (50.0)2 (13.3)
 Fever00001 (5.6)0
 Fatigue4 (22.2)8 (44.4)b4 (23.5)3 (15.8)7 (38.9)1 (6.7)
 Muscle achingg5 (27.8)b9 (50.0)b3 (17.6)2 (10.5)7 (38.9)0
 Headache5 (27.8)b7 (38.9)3 (17.6)3 (15.8)7 (38.9)1 (6.7)
 Nausea/GI upset1 (5.6)3 (16.7)003 (16.7)0
aThe results of post-hoc analyses of the active treatment groups showed that after the first injection, the frequency of “any systemic reaction” was significantly lower in the AV7909 Formulation 3 group vs. BioThrax group (p=0.02) and significantly higher in the Formulation 1 vs. Formulation 3 group (p=0.003).
bFor 1 of these subjects, the reaction was assessed by the principal investigator as severe.
cThe results of post-hoc analyses of the active treatment groups showed that after the first injection, the frequency of fatigue was significantly higher in the AV7909 Formulation 1 group vs. Formulation 3 group (p=0.04).
dThe results of post-hoc analyses of the active treatment groups showed that after the first injection, the frequency of muscle aching was significantly higher in the AV7909 Formulation 1 group vs. Formulation 3 group (p=0.001) and significantly lower in the Formulation 3 group vs. BioThrax group (p=0.05).
eThe results of post-hoc analyses of the active treatment groups showed that after the first injection, the frequency of headache was significantly higher in the AV7909 Formulation 1 group vs. Formulation 3 group (p=0.0004) and significantly lower in the Formulation 3 group vs. BioThrax group (p=0.04).
fThe results of post-hoc analyses of the active treatment groups showed that after the second injection, the frequency of “any systemic reaction” was significantly higher in the AV7909 Formulation 1 group vs. BioThrax group (p=0.04), Formulation 1 group vs. Formulation 2 group (p=0.04), and Formulation 1 group vs. Formulation 3 group (p=0.0009).
gThe results of post-hoc analyses of the active treatment groups showed that after the second injection, the frequency of muscle aching was significantly higher in the AV7909 Formulation 1 group vs. Formulation 3 group (p=0.01).