Figure 2

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Resolution of unannotated p53 isoforms. (a) Genome-browser view of the p53 gene. The coverage and relative expression as determined by conventional RNA-Seq is indicated by upper red histogram. (b) Genome-browser view showing unannotated alternative splicing (blue; i–iv) identified using RNA CaptureSeq. The relative coverage and expression as determined by RNA CaptureSeq are also indicated by upper histogram (blue). (c) Relative expression of alternative unannotated p53 isoforms. The annotated (known, red) and unannotated (novel, blue) isoforms of p53, along with expected modifications to characterized protein domains are indicated in left panel. The relative expression of annotated and unannotated isoforms is indicated in right panel (error bars indicate upper and lower bound of 95% confidence interval).
