Fig. 4.

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Regulatory and memory type T cells in Bcl10–/– in Pkcθ–/– mice. (A and B) FACS analysis of CD4+CD25+ TR cells in the thymus (A) and of TR and memory type T cells in the spleen (B) of Bcl10–/–, Pkcθ–/–, and appropriate control mice. Numbers indicate mean and SD of the percentages of CD4+CD25+ T cells of CD4-SP thymocytes (A) and of CD25+CD45Rbint T and CD25CD45Rblow T cells of splenic CD4 T cells (B), determined from five mice, respectively. Pkcθ–/– mice were on a pure C57BL/6 genetic background, whereas the Bcl10–/– mice were on a C57BL/6–129 mixed genetic background; therefore, the data obtained from the respective age- and sex-matched control mice are shown separately. (C) RT-PCR showing levels of Foxp3- and Hprt-specific transcripts amplified from total mRNA purified from CD4 and CD8 T cells from Bcl10–/–, Pkcθ–/–, and control mice. One of at least three independent experiments is shown for each genotype. (D) Quantification of Foxp3 mRNA levels in indicated T cell subsets purified from WT (n = 6), Pkcθ–/– (n = 3), and Bcl10–/– (n = 3) mice by real-time PCR. Foxp3 mRNA expression is normalized to expression of Hprt mRNA: Foxp3Hprt-message. The mean Foxp3Hprt-message in CD4 T cells purified from WT mice was set to 1. Foxp3Hprt-message in WT CD8 T cells and CD4 and CD8 T cells purified from Pkcθ–/– and Bcl10–/– mice was calculated relative to Foxp3Hprt-message (WT CD4 T cells) = 1. Results are shown as the mean, and error bars indicate the SEM.
