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Table 1

Baseline characteristics by supplement allocation (N = 2,029)a.
B vitaminsN-3 fatty acids
Yes (n = 1,000)No (n = 1,029) P b Yes (n = 1,025)No (n = 1,004) P b
Age, mean (SD), y61.1(8.8)61.4(8.8) 0.42 61.1(9.1)61.4(8.6) 0.46
Female, No. (%)199(19.9)215(20.9) 0.58 206(20.1)208(20.7) 0.73
Married/cohabiting, No. (%)722(72.2)753(73.2) 0.71 737(71.9)738(73.5) 0.67
Post-secondary education, No. (%)148(14.8)170(16.5) 0.29 162(15.8)156(15.5) 0.80
Employed, No. (%)361(36.1)367(35.7) 0.75 382(37.3)346(34.5) 0.14
Foreign-born, No. (%)111(11.1)107(10.4) 0.61 112(10.9)106(10.6) 0.79
Behavioral [No. (%)]
Current smoker97(9.7)100(9.7) 0.99 99(9.7)98(9.8) 0.99
Former smoker615(61.5)623(60.5) 0.65 615(60.0)623(62.1) 0.50
Heavy alcohol usec 241(24.1)287(27.9) 0.03 264(25.8)264(26.3) 0.87
Clinical (mean, SD)
Body mass index (kg/m2)27.6(4.1)27.4(3.8) 0.42 27.5(4.1)27.5(3.8) 0.95
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)83.2(12.2)83.0(12.0) 0.66 83.3(11.8)82.9(12.3) 0.45
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)132.7(21.0)133.3(21.0) 0.52 133.0(21.1)133.0(20.9) 0.93
Biological (median, interquartile range)
Serum folate (ng/ml)6.8(3.4)6.9(3.6) 0.98 6.8(3.5)6.9(3.5) 0.43
Plasma vitamin B6 (nmol/L)37.8(23.6)38.8(26.0) 0.53 38.7(24.3)38.1(24.5) 0.71
Serum vitamin B12 (pg/ml)363.0(161.0)372.0(172.0) 0.20 363.0(170.0)373.0(165.0) 0.18
Plasma EPA+DHAd (%)3.8(2.0)4.0(2.1) 0.26 3.8(2.1)3.9(2.0) 0.76
Cardiovascular disease history [No. (%)]
Myocardial infarction469(46.9)470(45.7) 0.58 476(46.4)463(46.1) 0.88
Unstable angina282(28.2)302(29.4) 0.57 301(29.4)283(28.2) 0.56
Ischemic stroke249(24.9)257(25.0) 0.97 248(24.2)258(25.7) 0.43
SI conversion: folate - to convert to nmol/L, multiply by 2.266; vitamin B6 - to convert to ng/mL, divide by 4.046; vitamin B12 - to convert to pmol//L multiply by 0.7378.

a Sample with available SF-36 quality of life data provided 2.5–5.0 y post-baseline.

b Based on chi-square tests, Student t-tests, or Wilcoxon Rank Sum tests, as appropriate.

c Defined as >20 g/d for women and >30 g/d for men.

d EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid.
