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Proteins. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as:
PMCID: PMC3934018
PMID: 23996272

How Good is Automated Protein Docking?


The protein docking server ClusPro has been participating in CAPRI since its introduction in 2004. This paper evaluates the performance of ClusPro 2.0 for targets 46–58 in rounds 22–27 of CAPRI. The analysis leads to a number of important observations. First, ClusPro reliably yields acceptable or medium accuracy models for targets of moderate difficulty that have also been successfully predicted by other groups, and fails only for targets that have few acceptable models submitted. Second, the quality of automated docking by ClusPro is very close to that of the best human predictor groups, including our own submissions. This is very important, because servers have to submit results within 48 hours and the predictions should be reproducible, whereas human predictors have several weeks and can use any type of information. Third, while we refined the ClusPro results for manual submission by running computationally costly Monte Carlo minimization simulations, we observed significant improvement in accuracy only for two of the six complexes correctly predicted by ClusPro. Fourth, new developments, not seen in previous rounds of CAPRI, are that the top ranked model provided by ClusPro was acceptable or better quality for all these six targets, and that the top ranked model was also the highest quality for five of the six, confirming that ranking models based on cluster size can reliably identify the best near-native conformations.

Keywords: protein-protein docking, structure refinement, method development, CAPRI docking experiment, web based server, user community


Our group has been working on protein-protein docking since 1996. During this period docking methods have substantially improved. Without even trying to be complete, we can mention the fast Fourier transform (FFT) correlation methods15 based on the work of Katchalski-Katzir and co-workers,6 the geometric methods by Wolfson and Nussinov,7 Monte Carlo methods represented by RosettaDock, 8 and the high ambiguity driven biomolecular docking (HADDOCK).9 Progress is continuously monitored by the CAPRI experiment, 1013 and the results show the emergence of new approaches.14,15 However, the participants of CAPRI can use all available information, and hence it is particularly important that several methods are also implemented as automated servers, e.g., ClusPro,16, GRAMM-X,17 ZDOCK,3 RosettaDock,18 HEX,19 HADDOCK,20 PatchDock and SymmDock,21 and SwarmDock.15 For each CAPRI target, servers should submit models within 48 hours, and since the results should be reproducible, the possibilities of using a priori biological and structural information are more limited, resulting in a more unbiased measure of method performance. However, it should be noted that even just running different servers requires different amount of a priori knowledge. For example, while he FFT based methods generally perform a global systematic search, Monte Carlo methods need initial conformations for the complex, and for HADDOCK the user should provide a list of interacting residues.22

The protein docking server ClusPro has been participating in CAPRI since its introduction in 2004.23 The server performs three computational steps as follows: (1) rigid body docking using the FFT correlation approach; (2) RMSD based clustering of the structures generated to find the largest clusters that will represent the most likely models of the complex, and (3) refinement of selected structures. The first version of the ClusPro server used the docking programs DOT24 and ZDOCK,3 and employed an empirical energy function to select 2,000 conformations for clustering. In 2006 we introduced PIPER, an FFT based docking program that uses a scoring function including a pairwise potential,4 and implemented it in the new server ClusPro 2.0, which clusters the top 1000 structures without any filtering.25 Since ClusPro 2.0 was not properly tested when working on the targets in rounds 13–19 of CAPRI, we have used both versions of the server. Thus, the present paper describes the first CAPRI submissions obtained solely by version 2.0.

ClusPro 2.0 is heavily used. By June 2013 we registered over 7,000 unique user IPs, and the server completed over 46,000 docking jobs, currently about 1,800 per month. Models built by ClusPro have been reported in over 200 publications. In many applications models generated by the server were validated by a variety of experimental techniques, including site-directed mutagenesis, cross-linking, and radiolytic protein footprinting with mass spectrometry. In view of this heavy usage and the availability of the new CAPRI results, it is timely to evaluate the performance of the server, exploring its strengths and weaknesses. While we focus on server performance, we also discuss our manual submissions that were obtained by further refinement of the ClusPro results.


Docking using PIPER

PIPER is an FFT based docking program that uses a pairwise interaction potential as part of its scoring function E=Eattr+w1Erep+w2Eelec+w3Epair, where Eattr and Erep denote the attractive and repulsive contributions to the van der Waals interaction energy Evdw, Eelec is an electrostatic energy term, and Epair represents the desolvation contributions.4 Epair has been parameterized on a set of complexes that included a substantial number of enzyme-inhibitor pairs and multi-subunit proteins, and hence the resulting potential assumes good shape and electrostatic complementarity. The coefficients w1, w2, and w3 specify the weights of the corresponding terms, and are optimally selected for different types of docking problems (see below). In order to evaluate the energy function E by FFT, it must be written in the form of correlation functions. The terms Evdw and Eelec satisfy this condition, and Epair can be expressed as a sum of a few correlation functions using the eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition of the matrix of interaction energy coefficients.4

Unless specified otherwise in Advanced Options, ClusPro 2.0 simultaneously generates four types of models using the scoring schemes called (1) balanced, (2) electrostatic-favored, (3) hydrophobic-favored, and (4) van der Waals + electrostatics. The balanced option works generally well for enzyme-inhibitor complexes, whereas options (2) and (3) are suggested for complexes where the association is primarily driven by electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, respectively. The fourth option, van der Waals + electrostatics, means that w3=0, i.e., the pairwise potential Epair is not used. The need for this option occurs for proteins that are very different from the ones used for the parameterization of Epair. Two specific cases can be selected as Advanced Options. In the “Antibody Mode”, ClusPro 2.0 uses a recently developed asymmetric potential for docking antibody and antigen pairs.26 The “Other Mode” targets the so-called “other” type of complexes that primarily occur in signal transduction pathways,27 and generally have substantially less perfect shape and electrostatic complementarity than the enzyme-inhibitor complexes. Due to the diverse nature implied by the “other” classification, this mode chooses 500 conformations from three diverse sets of weighting coefficients to give 1500 conformations. Our initial research using a diversity of coefficients is indicative that the “other” type of complexes can likely be further classified into subtypes for which a particular coefficient set works well. While it is difficult to perform automated selection of the best scoring function, users frequently have some information on the type of the particular complex considered. If such information is not available, it may be useful to select the function that yields large clusters of docked structures with relatively low energies. As will be shown, this simple albeit somewhat ambiguous rule provided good model selection in the current rounds of CAPRI.

Scoring by clustering

The second step of the algorithm is clustering the top 1000 structures (1500 if the “Other Mode” is used), generated by PIPER for each scoring scheme, using pairwise root mean square deviation (RMSD) as the distance measure.16,28 The biophysical meaning of clustering is isolating highly populated low energy basins of the energy landscape.29 It is easy to show that large clusters are more likely to include native structures. The globally sampled conformational space can be considered as a canonical ensemble with the partition function Z = Σj exp(−Ej/RT), where Ej is the energy of the jth pose, and we sum over all poses. For the kth cluster the partition function is given by Zk = Σj exp(Ej/RT), where the sum is restricted to poses within the cluster. Based on these values, the probability of the kth cluster is given by Pk = Zk/Z. However, since the low energy structures are selected from a relatively narrow energy range, and the energy values are calculated with considerable error, it is reasonable to assume that these energies do not differ, i.e., Ej=E for all j in the low energy clusters. This simplification implies that Pk=exp(−E/RTNk/Z, and thus the probability Pk is proportional to Nk, where Nk is the number of structures in the kth cluster. Unless requested otherwise by the user, ClusPro outputs the centers of the 10 largest clusters. Selecting these clusters rather than low energy structures accounts for some of the entropic effects,30 and makes our results less sensitive to the inherent inaccuracies in the structures generated by a rigid body algorithm.28

Refinement of docked structures for manual submission

The only refinement currently used in ClusPro is minimizing the Charmm energy of the structures generated by the docking.31 While the minimization generally removes potential steric clashes, it does not substantially change the conformation of the complexes, and thus the RMSD of our ClusPro submissions from the native complexes is fully determined by the rigid body docking and clustering steps.

For manual submission selected clusters are refined using the method we have introduced as “stability analysis”.32 The method is based on the hypothesis that clusters of near-native structures are located in broad energy funnels.32 This hypothesis is explored by starting short Monte Carlo minimization (MCM) simulations from randomly selected structures of the cluster. Each simulation step includes both repacking of the interface side chains and rotational/translational moves, and we use a higher accuracy scoring function than in the rigid body step. Convergence for a substantial fraction of MCM trajectories to a region within the cluster indicates a broad funnel, and the point of convergence provides an improved estimate of the native structure. Conversely, diverging trajectories indicate that a substantive free energy funnel does not exist, and hence the cluster is not near-native.32


Table I shows the summary of results obtained by ClusPro 2.0, our manual submissions after refinement, as well as the quality of results by the entire CAPRI community, including all predictor groups and servers. Following the notation used by the evaluators,1113 results are shown in the form x***+y**+z*, where x***, y**, and z* denotes the number of high, medium, and acceptable accuracy models, respectively. Table I also lists the models, ranked from M01 to M10, that were found at each level of accuracy. In addition, for the successfully predicted targets we show the accuracy of the top ranked ClusPro model, M01, which turned out to be acceptable or better for all targets for which the server provided correct predictions, emphasizing the progress we have made in ranking. Since the targets are well described in this volume, we provide only brief description of the difficulties we encountered for specific targets, and focus on the general properties of ClusPro and of our manual refinement in the Conclusions. We note that in our approach these two types of results are closely related, since our manual submissions were obtained by refining the ClusPro predictions, and thus also failed if ClusPro could not provide any model that was close to be acceptable.

Table I

Submissions by ClusPro, by the Vajda/Kozakov Group Following Refinement, and by the Entire CAPRI Community

TargetNameTypePredictions by
Top Ranked
Group Predictions
Predictions by
T46Methyl transferase Mtq2 / Trm112Homology/homology00013*
T47Colicin-E2 / Immunity protein 2 (IM2)Homologous to Colicin-E9/IM9 known complex2**/(M01&M04)M01**10***/(M01–M10)108***+95**+13*
T48T4moC/T4moH mono-oxygenase complexUnbound / unbound2**/(M06&M07) + 5*/(M01&M03& M04&M05&M10)M01*2**/(M01&M02) + 5*/(M03&M05& M06&M08&M10)15**+56*
T49T4moC/T4moH mono-oxygenase complexUnbound / unbound3*/(M01&M02& M04)M01*5*/(M01&M03& M04&M07&M08)2**+46*
T50HB36.3 designed protein / flu hemagglutininHomology / unbound2**/(M01&M03)M01**2**(M03&M07) + 3*(M01&M05&M06)17**+35*
T51Constructing a Xylanase protein of six domainsPart unbound, part homology0004*
T53Designed Rep4 / Rep2 a-repeat complexHomology / unbound1**/M01 +1*/M03M01**1***/M02 +1**/M031***+11**+31*
T54Designed neocarzinostatin / Rep16 a-repeat complexHomology / unbound0006*
T57BT4661 / heparin complexUnbound / homology2*/(M01&M02)M01*2**/(M01&M04) + 1*/M055**+26*
T58PliG / SalG lysozyme complex with SAXS dataUnbound / unbound00015**+18*
aAs defined by CAPRI evaluators, ***, **, and * denote high, medium, and acceptable accuracy submissions
bAccuracy of top ranked ClusPro model (M01)

Round 22

Round 22 included only target T46, predicting the complex between methyl transferase MTq2 and an activator protein (Trm112).33 Homology modeling was required for both proteins. The difficulty of the target is shown by the fact that all 13 acceptable solutions provided by the community came from two groups (Table I). As we will discuss, docking homology models is generally very difficult for rigid body methods, particularly if there are backbone differences between target and template proteins, which was the case here. Although we attempted to build and dock models, none of the resulting complexes was acceptable accuracy.

Round 23

Round 23 included targets T47, T48 and T49. T47 was the prediction of the cognate complex formed by colicin E2 DNAse and the immunity protein 2 (Im2).34 Since the resulting complex is highly homologous to the colicin E9-Im9 and to the E9-Im2 complexes with structures available (PDB entries 1EMV and 2WPT, respectively), human predictor groups could easily obtain medium or high accuracy models by template-based modeling, i.e., by mutating a few side chains in the template complexes. However, ClusPro cannot use this type of information, and we docked the NMR structure of IM2 (PDB entry 2NO8) to the structure of colicin E2, resulting in two medium accuracy models, the better of which is shown in Fig. 1A. We admit that after refinement we used the information on the homologous complexes for model selection, which enables us to submit 10 high accuracy models, similarly to many other groups. Target T47 also required predicting the positions of interface water molecules. The results of this task will be reported in a separate paper, and hence are not discussed here. Nevertheless, we note that we added water as a probe in our solvent mapping program FTMap,35 and obtained six good and two fair quality predictions.

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A. Best ClusPro prediction for target T47, the complex formed by colicin E2 and Im2. The structure of colicin E2 is shown in grey, and the X-ray (PDB entry 3U43) and predicted structures of Im2 are shown in green and cyan, respectively, after superimposing the colicin structures. The interface backbone RMSD between the two IM2 structures is 1.45 Å. B. Best ClusPro prediction for target T50, the complex formed by the designed protein HB36.3 and influenza hemagglutinin. The structure of hemagglutinin is shown in grey, and the X-ray (PDB entry 3R2X) and predicted structures of HB36.3 are shown in green and cyan, respectively, after superimposing the hemagglutinin structures. The interface backbone RMSD between the two HB36.3 structures is 1.94 Å.

Target T48 was to predict the complex formed by a ferredoxin molecule (T4moC) and a monooxygenase enzyme (T4moH). T4moH consists of two trimers forming a hetero-hexamer. According to the description of this target, participants were invited to submit only solutions that involved the first trimer. This was somewhat misleading, since the ferredoxin was in contact with subunits of both trimers, resulting in two ferredoxin binding sites on the T4moH hexamer. In view of this problem, the evaluators accepted as correct solutions the complexes of ferredoxin with the hexamer or any of the two trimers, and Table I shows the number of all of acceptable or better predictions by the CAPRI participants, submitted as either trimers or hexamers. We (correctly) used ClusPro to dock the unbound structure of ferredoxin to the T4moH hexamer, but submitted only models involving trimers, resulting in two medium accuracy submissions, representing binding to the two sites. Although the refinement by stability analysis did not improve the quality of predictions, it helped to submit the two medium accuracy solutions as models M01 and M02 (see Table 1). Target T49 was the same as T48 but with the monooxygenase in a different conformation, lacking the T4moD effector protein in the T4moH hexamer, again with two binding sites for ferredoxin. ClusPro provided three acceptable models, and although refinement did not substantially improve accuracy, it increased the number of acceptable models to five.

Round 24

Round 24 consisted of target T50, predicting the binding of the protein HB36.3, which was designed by the Baker group to replace an antibody binding to the stem region of influenza hemagglutinin (HA),36 and Target T51, involving a xylanase enzyme containing six modules. In T51 the design of HB36.3 was based on an all-helical protein of known structure (PDB entry 1U84) and involved introducing mutations at 15 positions. The backbone coordinates were also provided for HB36.3, attesting that the backbone conformation remains almost completely invariant. For the hemaglutinin, it was suggested to use chains A and B in an antibody-bound co-crystal structure (PDB entry 3GBN). We built the mutated side chains of HB36.3, and docked the resulting structure to the hemaglutinin. Among the top 10 models, ClusPro returned two medium quality predictions (Fig. 1B). Refinement slightly improved accuracy, and brought three more models into acceptable range. For Target T51 the docking task was to predict three separate interactions among the six modules of the xylanase molecule, where one module had to built based on homology to a known structure. ClusPro did not yield any acceptable model, and the target was difficult for the entire CAPRI community, although four acceptable solutions were submitted (see Table I).

Round 26

Round 26 consisted of protein docking targets T53 and T54, both requiring the prediction of complexes formed by designed repeat proteins. T53 is a 1:1 complex between the artificial alpha-repeat Rep4 (PDB entry 3LTJ) and Rep2, a shorter alpha-repeat homologous to Rep4. Although constructing the structure of Rep2 required homology modeling, it was very easy due to high level of homology and the conserved backbone. Docking the model to 3LTJ by ClusPro yielded one medium quality and one acceptable submission (models M01 and M03, respectively). The two models were refined to high and medium accuracy, respectively, for manual submission. Although the problem was of moderate difficulty and several group obtained medium accuracy models, only our group had a high accuracy submission.

T54 is a 1:1 complex between the engineered neocazinostatin (2CBO) and Rep16, a short alpha-repeat selected to bind neocazinostatin. In spite of high level of homology between Rep16 and 3LTJ, ClusPro failed to yield any acceptable model. The fact that there were only 6 acceptable predictions from the entire community indicates that this was a difficult target. Although the structure of the complex is not yet published, we are convinced that the origin of difficulty is in the homology modeling. In fact, the Shen group also relied on ClusPro 2.0 to generate initial models for this target, and obtained an acceptable prediction using a homology model that was obviously better than ours (Dr. Yang Shen, personal communication).

Round 26 also included targets T55 and T56, which required predicting the effect of mutations on the interaction between two proteins rather than docking.37 Results for these targets are available on the CAPRI website (, but the entire experiment will be published in a separate paper and hence is not discussed here.

Round 27

T57 requires docking a six-sugar residue heparin to the unbound structure of fragment 423–700 of protein BT4661. A developmental version of ClusPro allows for docking molecules with heteroatoms, and we have tested cross-docking of heparin to several heparin-binding proteins in the PDB. We had no desolvation parameters for sugars, and hence used the van der Waals + electrostatics option of the server, but this should be a good choice, since heparin is negative charged and it usually binds to positively charged regions of the protein. In view of good test results we have decided to go forward with target T57, but used real heparin structures from the PDB instead of the model provided. ClusPro yielded two large clusters of structures, indicating two different binding modes, and our 10 submissions included two acceptable predictions (Table 1). The structures were refined to medium accuracy by minimizing the Charmm energy of the complexes,31 and we also obtained a new acceptable model. Based on this positive experience we have decided to add heparin docking as a new option to ClusPro, and are close to finishing validation of the method on structures of protein-heparin complexes in the PDB.

The second target (T58) of round 27 required docking the unbound structure of an inhibitor (PDB entry 4G9S) to the unbound structure of a goose-type lysozyme (PDB entry 3MGW).39 Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) data were also provided to help the prediction. While ClusPro generally performs well when docking unbound structures, it failed to produce any acceptable prediction due to substantial backbone conformational change in the lysozyme structure upon inhibitor binding. The server did not have the ability to account for SAXS data, and although we now added this option in the developmental version, it was too late for improving the predictions for T58.


With the already introduced notation, our performance in rounds 22–27 of CAPRI is described as 2***+3**+1*, placing us as the 4th best predictor group. The six successful predictions were obtained for targets T47, T48, T49, T50, T53 and T57. With a performance of 4**+2* and successful predictions for the same six targets, ClusPro was only the 9th best overall predictor, but the best in the automated server category. Although the number of targets is still too small for any significant conclusion, we believe that our results provide some information on the current state of automated protein docking, at least concerning methods that use rigid body approximation in the first step. Our main observations are as follows.

  1. ClusPro reliably yields correct predictions for the relatively “easy” targets with at most moderate conformational changes in the backbone. In addition to unbound proteins of known structure, such “easy” targets may include designed proteins obtained by mutating a few residues. Targets T50 and T53 were in this category, and ClusPro provided good results. The CAPRI community submitted many good predictions for targets T47, T48, T49, T50, T53 and T57, i.e., exactly for the ones ClusPro also predicted well, confirming that these targets are relatively easy. Based on this logic we should have obtained an acceptable or better model for an additional target, T58, but the change in the backbone conformation of a lysozyme loop was too large for ClusPro, although other groups using rigid body methods such as GRAMM were able to produce an acceptable model, but only for manual submission. The three other targets, T46, T51, and T54 that were difficult for ClusPro were also difficult for the entire CAPRI community, resulting in very few acceptable submissions. As will be further discussed, all these targets required homology modeling.
  2. The quality of automated docking by ClusPro is very close to that of the best human predictor groups, including of our own. We consider this very important, because servers have to submit results within 48 hours and the predictions should be reproducible by the server, whereas human predictors have several weeks and can use any type of information. In Rounds 22–27 three predictor groups (Bonvin, Bates, and Vakser) did extremely well, and submitted acceptable or better predictions for more than six targets. These three were followed by six groups that had good predictions for 6 targets: Vajda (2***+3**+1*), Fernandez-Recio (1***+3**+2*), Shen (1***+3**+2*), Zou (1***+2**+3*), Zacharias (1***+5*), and ClusPro (4**+2*). The only difference between ClusPro and the other five groups is due to the ability of the human predictors obtaining high accuracy predictions for T47 by template-based modeling. Since ClusPro does not have this option, it had to use direct docking, and produced only a medium accuracy model. We emphasize that in the earlier rounds of CAPRI server predictions were substantially inferior to those of the human predictors – this is definitely not the case for ClusPro 2.0 in rounds 22–27. However, ClusPro seems to be an exception, as for most other groups the manual submissions are generally much better than the submissions from their servers.
  3. As mentioned, our manual submissions were obtained by refining the ClusPro results using “stability analysis”, requiring a large number of relatively short Monte Carlo minimization runs. In spite of substantial computational efforts, the improvements due to the refinement are moderate. Apart from T47, where obtaining high accuracy predictions was trivial, the refinement improved predictions only for two targets, T53 and T57. However, it appears that refining predictions to high accuracy was generally very difficult for all targets (again, not considering T47). In fact, the only high accuracy model submitted by any group for any target in rounds 22–27 was our manual submission for target T53.
  4. Fourth, a new development, not seen in previous rounds of CAPRI, is that the top ranked model M01 provided by ClusPro was acceptable or better quality for all the six targets that Cluspro was able to predict. M01 was also the highest quality model for five of these six targets. The only exception was T48, where models M06 and M07 were medium quality, while model M01 was only acceptable. Due to the very small number of targets the generality of this observation is not at all clear, but suggests that ranking predictions based on cluster size can reliably identify the highest accuracy models.40
  5. The most difficult targets, T46, T51, and T54 required the construction of homology models based on templates with moderate sequence identity. The poor results for these targets, both by ClusPro and by the entire CAPRI community, show that the quality of homology models plays a critical role in docking. For example, while ClusPro did not produce any prediction for target T54 with the models we constructed, an acceptable submission was found by the Shen group, who also relied on the server for the initial docking, but used a better homology model. Thus, there is need for methods that are specifically designed for docking homology models, e.g., by further reducing the sensitivity of the scoring function to steric clashes involving mutated side chains and predicted loop regions.

Apart from the difficulty of docking homology models, we believe that the predictions provided by ClusPro 2.0 in rounds 22–27 of CAPRI show clear progress. Indeed, the server’s performance was comparable to that of the best human predictors, and the top ranked model M01 was either medium or acceptable accuracy for all targets that were successfully predicted, which were also the targets that had good predictions submitted by several other groups.


We thank the assessors, Prof. Shoshana Wodak and Dr. Marc Lensink, for the careful evaluation of the submissions, Prof. Joel Janin for his tireless work on finding targets, and Prof. Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin for the excellent organization of the 5th CAPRI Evaluation Meeting in Utrecht. However, we emphasize that the PIPER program and the use of the ClusPro server are free for academic and governmental research.

Grant sponsor: NIH; Grant numbers: GM061867 and GM093147; Grant sponsor: National Science Foundation; Grant number: DBI1147082


We note that PIPER has been licensed to Acpharis Inc., and since S. V., D. K., and D. B. own stock in the company, they declare conflict of interest.


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