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Table 2.

Viability of Knockouts in Yeast, PGL, and Sequence Evolution Rate

JTT, three-kingdom average
JTT, γ-corrected
PGL/lethality + + + + +
0 0.559 0.558 1.198 1.221 1.005 1.026 1.975 2.048 0.903 0.960
0.02-0.2 0.635 0.625 1.505 1.457 1.361 1.324 2.662 2.535 1.126 1.099
0.2-0.4 0.652 0.648 1.595 1.557 1.493 1.484 2.879 2.758 1.207 1.125
0.4-0.491 0.669 0.664 1.643 1.640 1.538 1.583 2.935 2.961 1.412 1.248
aDifferent methods for evolutionary distance (a surrogate for substitution rate) calculation are introduced in Methods.