Figure 3

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IFN-γ secreting PBMC frequencies. (A, B) IFN-γ-secreting cells expressed as spot-forming cells (SFC) per 106 PBMC. Blood samples from weeks 0, 2, 7 (3 weeks after booster immunisation), 10, 18 and 26 (1 week prior to virus challenge- Pre-chall) were taken, as well as week 28 and the terminal blood sample prior to euthanasia (Term sample) in both the MCF and protected animals. A) Analysis of all animals in each group shown as group means and standard deviation of the mean (SD). (B) IFN-γ-secreting cell frequencies in individual animals (displayed as a scatter plot) comparing animals that developed MCF or were protected (PROT). Significant responses were recorded for the pre-challenge and after challenge terminal samples only. Note there were 3 terminal blood PBMC samples with 0 SFC in the MCF group and these do not show on the log scale used.
