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Table 3

Factors associated with syphilis seroconversion among PLWHA in Shenyang

FactorHR (95% CI)P-valueAdjusted HR (95% CI)P-value
 Male3.39 (1.08 –10.65)0.037
Age (year)
 ≤24 years1.00
 25-39 years1.79 (0.84 -3.81)0.1311.86 (0.87 –3.98)0.108
 ≥40 years4.85 (2.34 -10.05)<0.0015.17 (2.47 –10.84)<0.001
 Other ethnicities0.91 (0.54 –1.53)0.713
Marital status
 Married1.31 (0.88 –1.95)0.183
 Divorced2.00 (1.29 –3.08)0.002
 Unemployed0.98 (0.62 –1.54)0.924
 Retired1.58 (0.90 –2.77)0.112
 Student0.23 (0.07 –0.72)0.012
 Less than high school1.00
 High school or more0.89 (0.62 –1.27)0.503
Shenyang resident
 No0.89 (0.53 –1.51)0.676
HIV transmission route
 MSM1.45 (0.84 –2.49)0.1812.68 (1.53 –4.69)0.001
 Others (injection drug use, blood, unknown)0.68 (0.25 –1.87)0.4550.63 (0.23 –1.75)0.376
HIV Diagnosis venue
 Hospital2.82 (1.13 -7.03)0.0262.08 (0.83 –5.22)0.120
 Others (blood donation, physical exam, etc.)2.34 (0.92 -5.91)0.0731.92 (0.76 –4.87)0.171
 Unknown3.05 (1.17 -7.98)0.0232.55 (0.97 –6.74)0.058
ART at baseline
 Yes1.81 (1.27 –2.57)0.0011.81 (1.25 –2.62)0.002
Time since HIV diagnosis (year)
 > 21.57 (1.10 –2.23)0.012
Baseline CD 4 + T cell counts(counts/mm 3 )
 350-4991.26 (0.74 –2.16)0.392
 200-3490.92 (0.53 –1.59)0.764
 <2001.26 (0.71 –2.22)0.428
 Unknown1.83 (0.62 –5.36)0.272
Baseline VL(copies/mL)
 >1000000.97 (0.54 –1.75)0.920
 Unknown1.28 (0.87 –1.87)0.207

VCT: voluntary counseling and testing; ART: antiretroviral therapy; VL: viral load.
