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Published online 2015 Apr 14. doi: 10.7554/eLife.05042

Table 1.

β-actin::GFP-Smad2 transgene rescues smad2/smad2 adult lethality

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.05042.004

smad2/+ X smad2/+; Tg(GFP-Smad2)/+
+/+11 (37%)4 (15%)
smad2/+19 (63%)17 (60%)
smad2/smad20 (0%)7 (25%)

smad2/+ fish were crossed to smad2/+; Tg(GFP-Smad2)/+ fish and their progeny was raised to adulthood and genotyped for smad2 and for Tg(GFP-Smad2). The only recovered adult progeny homozygous for smad2 contains a copy of the GFP-Smad2 transgene.
