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Published online 2014 Aug 10. doi: 10.1186/s13567-014-0077-8

Figure 1

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Construction of the SAG2 strain. ERA = Evelyn Rokitnicki Abelseth, Mab = monoclonal antibody. The parental SAD strain was isolated from the salivary glands of a rabid dog in the USA during 1935, which was passaged in mice, chick embryos, and various cell lines and was re-named ERA (Evelyn Rokitnicki Abelseth). The SAD Bern strain is a cell-adapted derivative of the ERA strain. The SAD Bern strain was cultivated in the presence of monoclonal antibodies binding specifically to one of the two major antigenic sites (antigenic site III) of the rabies virus glycoprotein, involved in virus pathogenicity. Under the selective pressure of these monoclonal antibodies, only variants of SAD Bern bearing an amino-acid substitution at the critical position 333 of the rabies virus glycoprotein escaped neutralisation in culture. An avirulent mutant, SAG1 (for SAD Avirulent Gif), in which arginine at position 333 was substituted by serine, was isolated from SAD Bern with monoclonal antibody (Mab) 50 AD1. The SAG2 strain was constructed from SAD Bern in a two-step selection procedure using neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. First, a mutant strain (SK) was selected from SAD Bern, where the arginine at position 333 was replaced by lysine. SAG2, a non pathogenic mutant resistant to neutralisation by monoclonal antibody 50 AC1 was selected from SK, where the lysine at position 333 was replaced by a glutamic acid. Thus, SAG2 can be considered as a double avirulent mutant, since the codon GAA, which codes for glutamic acid, differs from the codon AGA from SAD Bern (coding for arginine) by two nucleotides.

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  • Figure 2
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