Figure 6

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c-myc expression enhances optic nerve regeneration induced by co-deletion of PTEN and SOCS3 in RGCs

(A) Timeline of the experimental procedures. (B) Representative confocal images of CTB-labeled optic nerve whole-mounts from PTENf/f/SOCS3f/f mice with intravitreal injection of AAV2-Cre, AAV2-CNTF and AAV2-c-myc (n=6) or AAV2-Cre, AAV2-CNTF and AAV2-PLAP (n=6). Optic nerve crush was performed on the right optic nerve head and regenerative axons were labeled with CTB-Alexa-555. Red stars indicate the crush site. Scale bar: 100 um. (C, D) Quantification of the numbers of regenerating axon at the proximal end of the chiasm (C) and regenerating axons that passed the chiasm, including those crossing the midline (contra) and navigating ipsilaterally (ipsi) (D). (E) Distribution of regenerating axons projecting in the contralateral optic nerve (gray), the contralateral optic tract (white) and ipsilateral optic tract (black) in the groups of PS (PTENf/f/SOCS3f/f with AAV2-Cre, AAV2-CNTF and AAV2-PLAP) and PSM (PTENf/f/SOCS3f/f with AAV2-Cre, AAV2-CNTF and AAV2-c-myc). T-test, ***: p < 0.001 and *: p < 0.05.
