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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1994 Dec 20; 91(26): 12755–12759.
PMID: 7809116

Hematopoietic development of vav-/- mouse embryonic stem cells.


The vav protooncogene product is expressed nearly exclusively in hematopoietic lineages and contains several structural motifs (SH2/SH3 domains and a dbl-oncogene homology region) typical of proteins functioning in signaling pathways. To ascertain if vav expression is required for hematopoiesis we generated vav-negative mouse embryonic stem cells by gene targeting and examined the consequences of loss of vav function on erythroid and myeloid development in vitro and in vivo. In conflict with the conclusions drawn from expression of antisense vav RNA in embryonic stem cells [Wulf, G. M., Adra, C. N. & Lim, B. (1993) EMBO J. 12, 5065-5074], we observed erythroid and myeloid development in the absence of vav. These experiments demonstrate that vav expression is not absolutely required for hematopoietic development.

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