Table 2

Relationship between Cyr61, CTGF and Nov mRNA expressions and clinicopathological features (mean ± SD)

PV thrombosis
Present162.59 ± 0.410.0242.41 ± 0.390.0311.45 ± 0.560.147
Absent152.08 ± 0.652.10 ± 0.581.56 ± 0.45
AFP level
≤ 20 ng/mL192.26 ± 0.480.0682.21 ± 0.200.0631.38 ± 0.430.241
> 20 ng/mL122.36 ± 0.712.23 ± 0.841.66 ± 0.71
Tumor size (cm)
≤ 5 cm202.35 ± 0.860.1242.26 ± 0.790.0711.59 ± 0.580.251
> 5 cm112.32 ± 0.412.09 ± 0.531.55 ± 0.31
Capsule formation
Positive182.35 ± 0.340.1362.31 ± 0.340.1321.87 ± 0.650.135
Negative132.33 ± 0.672.15 ± 0.871.36 ± 0.81
Histological grade
I-II132.21 ± 0.390.0521.89 ± 0.540.0221.35 ± 0.470.132
III-IV182.51 ± 0.412.51 ± 0.611.58 ± 0.68

PV: portal vein.
