Table 4.

Increase in number of annotated interspersed repeats, using Dfam + nhmmer
Interspersed repeats (count)All repeats (count)Increase (count)
HumanConsensus3 743 2224 532 893
Dfam4 007 0514 708 414175 521
MouseConsensus3 112 6474 691 497
Dfam3 640 8485 152 510461 013
ZebrafishConsensus2 757 0013 577 995
Dfam3 058 9713 790 149212 154
FlyConsensus22 819119 232
Dfam24 676120 8681636
NematodeConsensus46 56680 064
Dfam71 855103 21223 148

For each organism, RepeatMasker was run using (i) cross_match with consensus sequences from the Repbase-derived RepeatMasker library and (ii) nhmmer with Dfam2. Interspersed repeats are shown separately, while the all repeats count also includes locally repetitive satellites and short tandem repeats.
