Figure 2

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A simplified model for Mediator-dependent regulation of multiple stages of pol II transcription

a) Mediator plays key roles in the assembly of the Pre-initiation Complex (PIC). Mediator helps recruit pol II and other PIC factors to the promoter191. At this stage, the pol II CTD is not highly phosphorylated. During transcription initiation, the pol II CTD becomes highly phosphorylated by TFIIH80, and the pol II enzyme begins to transcribe the gene. At some genes, pol II may pause after transcribing about 60 nucleotides95; whether this “paused pol II” remains associated with Mediator is not known. b) The CDK8 module may associate with Mediator after pol II-Mediator contacts are broken, and this may regulate pol II elongation or release from a paused state at some genes. CDK8-Mediator may regulate the recruitment or activity of the super elongation complex (SEC) to promote pol II pause release and elongation27,28. c) Because CDK8-Mediator cannot interact with pol II, re-initiation of transcription requires release of the CDK8 module. A scaffold PIC complex, which may be stabilized by a transcription factor, could facilitate rapid re-initiation110.
