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Published online 2016 Sep 29. Prepublished online 2016 Aug 10. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01471-16


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Roles of hPIV-2 V and P proteins in RhoA activation induced by hPIV-2 infection. (A) Cell lysates of HEK293, HEK293/V, and HEK293/P cells were subjected to IB analysis using the indicated Abs for the quantification of activated RhoA, total RhoA, and actin as described in the legend of Fig. 2A. (B) Quantitative densitometry of activated RhoA from the experiment shown in panel A was performed as described in the legend of Fig. 2B. The relative value in normal HEK293 cells was set to 1. (C) Cell lysates of normal HEK293, HEK293/V, or HEK293/P cells infected with hPIV-2 at an MOI of 1 for 24 h were subjected to IB analysis using the indicated Abs. (D to F) hPIV-2 was inoculated into normal HEK293 (D), HEK293/V (E), or HEK293/P (F) cells at an MOI of 1 for the indicated times. IB analysis and detection of activated RhoA were carried out as described in the legend of Fig. 2A. Bars show quantitative densitometry of activated RhoA analyzed as described in the legend of Fig. 2B.

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