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Published online 2016 Sep 29. Prepublished online 2016 Aug 3. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01069-16


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Percentages and numbers of intrahepatic mononuclear cell subsets in livers from MHV3-, 51.6-MHV3-, and YAC-MHV3-infected mice. Intrahepatic mononuclear cells were isolated from groups of 5 or 6 mock-infected or MHV3-, 51.6-MHV3-, or YAC-MHV3-infected C57BL/6 mice at 24 and 48 h p.i., immunolabeled with NK1.1, CD3, Gr1, CD11b, CD19, CD4, and CD8 monoclonal antibodies, and analyzed by cytofluorometry. (I) Percentages of NK-T cells (NK1.1+ CD3+) (A), NK cells (NK1.1+ CD3) (B), neutrophils (Gr1hi CD11bhi) (C), macrophages (Gr1+ CD11bint) (D), B lymphocytes (CD19+) (E), CD4 cells (CD3+ CD4+) (F), and CD8 cells (CD3+ CD8+) (G) were evaluated in livers from each group of infected mice. (II) Absolute numbers for each cell subset (calculated by using respective percentages reported with respect to the total number of isolated mononuclear cells) were similarly recorded in livers of respective groups. Values are means and standard errors of the means. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 (compared with mock-infected mice). †, P < 0.05; ††, P < 0.01; †††, P < 0.001 (compared with MHV3-infected mice).

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  • FIG 11

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