Table 2

Differences in energy intake, respiratory quotient (RQ), and energy expenditure between trials, mean ± SD (n = 12 for energy intake data; n = 11 for RQ and energy expenditure).

BreakfastFasting p value
Energy intake, kJ
 Breakfast2298 ± 3710.0 ± 0.0 p < 0.001
 Lunch4609 ± 9254479 ± 1712 p = 0.810
 After lunch12265 ± 427810833 ± 4065 p = 0.039
 Total 19172 ± 454215312 ± 4513 p < 0.001
RQ during run0.90 ± 0.030.86 ± 0.03 p < 0.001
Energy expenditure during run, kJ3895 ± 4923732 ± 585 p = 0.158

p value is for the differences between breakfast and fasting trial.
