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Table 2

Key perceptions of Thai physicians related to influenza vaccination (N = 580).
FactorAgreeDisagreeDon’t know
n (%)n (%)n (%)
Disease Priority
Influenza causes substantial disease burden467 (81)88 (15)25 (4)
Influenza causes a great deal of illness among the general population415 (72)132 (23)33 (5)
Influenza is a high priority illness413 (71)124 (22)43(7)
Influenza causes a great deal of illness among pregnant women113 (20)379 (65)88 (15)
Pregnant women are at increased risk for developing severe influenza496 (85)50 (9)34 (6)
Safety of influenza vaccine
Influenza vaccine is safe for pregnant women398 (69)29 (5)153 (26)
Influenza vaccination of pregnant women is safe for their fetus373 (65)24 (4)183 (31)
Effectiveness of influenza vaccine
Influenza vaccine is an effective way to prevent pregnant from getting sick from influenza353 (61)52 (9)175 (30)
Vaccinating pregnant women protects infants during the first six months of life222 (38)60 (10)298 (52)
Awareness of MOPH1 recommendations
MOPH advises influenza vaccine for pregnant women431 (74)46 (8)103 (18)
MOPH prioritizes pregnant women for receiving influenza vaccine374 (65)77 (13)129 (22)
MOPH recommendations regarding influenza vaccination of pregnant women are clear81 (14)363 (63)136 (23)

1MOPH: Ministry of Public Health.
