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Table 5

Comparison of reasons for not recommending vaccines to pregnant women by Thai physicians in public and private hospitals (N = 401).
ReasonsAll (N = 401)Public (N = 326)Private (N = 75)p-value
n (%)n (%)n (%)
I am not aware of recommendations suggesting influenza vaccination of pregnant women281 (70)222 (68)59 (78)0.07
Pregnant women refuse influenza vaccine253 (63)206 (63)47 (63)0.93
Not enough influenza vaccine available in the facility241 (60)215 (66)26 (35)0.001*
The cost of the vaccines are not covered by any health insurances243 (60)201 (62)42 (56)0.36
This clinic does not provide influenza vaccine205 (51)178 (55)27 (36)0.04*
Influenza vaccine is not safe for pregnant women196 (49)164 (50)32 (43)0.23
Pregnant women do not need any vaccines183 (46)145 (44)38 (51)0.33
Influenza vaccination of pregnant women is not safe for a fetus196 (49)164 (50)32 (43)0.23
Other logistics involving in procuring or administering influenza vaccine140 (35)126 (38)14 (19)0.001*
There are not adequate storage facilities to keep vaccine138 (34)124 (38)14 (19)0.001*
There are not adequate staff to administer vaccine132 (33)117 (36)15 (20)0.008*

* Statistically significant at p-value<0.05, p-value obtained from chi square tests.
