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Published online 2017 May 3. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3243

Figure 2

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Protein-sharing network for 1,964 archaeal and bacterial virus genomes benchmarked against ICTV-accepted viral taxonomy.

(A) Each node represents a viral genome from RefSeq, with its shape representing the viral family (as indicated in the legend) and each distinct color the node’s viral cluster (VC). Edges between nodes indicate a statistically significant relationship between the protein profiles of their viral genomes, with edge colors (darker = more significant) corresponding to their weighted similarity scores (threshold of ≥1). VCs within the network are discriminated using the MCL algorithm (‘Materials and Methods’) and denoted as separate colors. The position of 26 heterogeneous VCs that contain 2 or more genera is indicated. (B) Precision and recall of network-based assignments as compared to ICTV assignments for each taxonomic level (genus, family, order, and type). (C) Percentage (Y-axis) of VCs that contain the number (X-axis) of each ICTV taxonomic level (genus, family, and order).

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  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4

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