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Table 1

Important components of SVF, respective sizes, and surface markers

Cell types of the SVFCell size range [in µm]*Molecular markers# [1, 26, 29]
ADSC~10–25 μm and reported up to 200+ μm in culture [3436]CD34, CD73, CD13, CD90, CD105, CD29CD31, CD45, CD144
EPC~7–8 μm (smallest defined) [37]CD34, CD31, CD133, CD146CD45
EC~10–30 μm [38]CD31, FVIIICD34
T regulatory cells~7–12 μm [39, 40]CD4, CD25, Foxp3, CD8
Macrophages~20 μm [41]CD45, CD14, CD34, CD206
Smooth muscle cells~3–20 μm in width and 20–500 μm in length [42, 43]Smooth muscle actin (SMA)
PericytesUp to ~70 μm in length [44]CD146, CD90, CD73, CD44, CD29, CD13CD34, CD45, CD56
Pre-adipocytes~10 μm [45]CD34CD45, CD31, CD146

*Diameter; unless mentioned otherwise

The Table captures the approximate range of cell sizes as reported in different studies [3445] and provides an overview of surface antigens for the respective cell type [1, 26, 29]. # Includes surface or CD markers, cytoplasmic and nuclear factors

ADSC adipose-derived stem/stromal cells, EC endothelial cells, EPC endothelial precursor cells, SVF stromal vascular fraction
