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Fig. 3.

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Simultaneous monitoring of mitochondrial calcium buffering capacity and membrane potential. (A) Calcium (Ca2+) and TMRM monitoring of WT BAT mitochondria respiring on pyruvate/malate. (B) Ca2+ and TMRM monitoring of UCP1-KO BAT mitochondria respiring on pyruvate/malate without GDP. (C) Ca2+ and TMRM monitoring of WT BAT mitochondria respiring on succinate. (D) Ca2+ and TMRM monitoring of UCP1-KO BAT mitochondria respiring on succinate. Images shown are representative of at least three independent mitochondrial preparations for each substrate used. Arrows indicate the addition of mitochondria (red), GDP (blue), and calcium (green).

Images in this article

  • Fig. 1.
  • Fig. S1.
  • Fig. 2.
  • Fig. 3.
  • Fig. S2.
  • Fig. 4.
  • Fig. 5.

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