Prevalence of lineage C BetaCoVs in bats

Animal type and scientific nameCommon nameNo. (%) of positive anal swabs for lineage C BetaCoVSampling locationa
    Chaerephon plicatusWrinkle-lipped bat0/611
    Tadarida spp.0/56
    Cynopterus sphinxIndian short-nosed fruit bat0/393, 8
    Hipposideros armigerHimalayan leaf-nosed bat0/1076, 9, 10, 11
    Hipposideros larvatusIntermediate leaf-nosed bat0/286, 9, 11
    Hipposideros pomonaPomona leaf-nosed bat0/1810
    Hipposideros prattiPratt's leaf-nosed bat0/559, 11
    Rhinolophus luctusWoolly horseshoe bat0/39
    Rhinolophus macrotisBig-eared horseshoe bat0/39
    Rhinolophus pearsoniiPearson's horseshoe bat0/255, 9, 11
    Rhinolophus pusillusLeast horseshoe bat0/159, 11
    Rhinolophus rexRex horseshoe bat0/89
    Rhinolophus sinicusChinese horseshoe bat0/735, 6, 9, 10, 11
    Eptesicus spp.0/18
    Ia ioGreat evening bat4/53 (8)6, 9, 11
    Miniopterus schreibersiiCommon bent-wing bat0/16
    Myotis adversusLarge-footed bat0/97, 10
    Myotis altariumSzechwan myotis0/29, 11
    Myotis chinensisLarge myotis0/216, 9, 10
    Myotis daubentoniiDaubenton's bat0/574, 8, 9, 11
    Myotis longipesKashmir cave myotis0/179, 11
    Myotis rickettiRickett's big-footed Myotis0/476, 9
    Myotis spp.0/186, 9
    Nyctalus plancyiChinese noctule0/16
    Pipistrellus abramusJapanese pipistrelle15/75 (20)4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
    Pipistrellus minusLesser pipistrelle1/7 (15)6, 8, 11
    Pipistrellus pipistrellusCommon pipistrelle6/42 (14)4, 6, 9, 10, 11
    Pipistrellus spp.4/21 (24)6, 9
    Scotomanes ornatusHarlequin bat0/36
    Scotophilus kuhliiLesser Asiatic yellow house bat0/36, 10
    Tylonycteris pachypusLesser bamboo bat11/70 (16)2
    Tylonycteris spp.13/45 (11)6, 8, 10
    Vespertilio murinusParticolored bat0/311
    Vespertilio superansAsian particolored bat34/159 (21)1
Unclassified bat0/196, 9, 10, 11
aAbbreviation of sampling locations: 1, Zigong (Sichuan Province); 2, Chongzuo (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region); 3, Beihai (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region); 4, Xuwen (Guangdong Province); 5, Lechang (Guangdong Province); 6, Yingde (Guangdong Province); 7, Huadu (Guangdong Province); 8, Baiyun (Guangdong Province); 9, Ruyuan (Gunagdong Province); 10, Shenzhen (Guangdong Province); 11, Yangshan (Guangdong Province).