Table 1

Clinical Features of Subjects with CDK8 Mutations

Subject #123456789101112
Age (years)92.987.60.10.816.712.76.85.4123.5
De novoyesyesyesyesyesyesNANAyesyesyesyes
Facial dysmorphism+++++++++++
Hypotonia, motor delay, and/or walking difficulty++ (axial)++NA+ (axial)+ (bilateral pes planus surgery)+++++
Brain MRI or CTnormalthin corpus callosumnormalACCNAACCNAACCnon-specificNAnormalNA
Ophthalmic: ptosis++
Myopia++++ (severe)++
Impaired vision++
Sensorineural hearing lossmoderatemoderateNAsevere (unilateral)NA(glue ear)
Intellectual disabilitymild (SEN school)moderate to severemoderate to severe (SEN school)moderateNANA; moderate motor delaymild to moderate (SEN school)moderate (SEN school)moderatemoderatemild (normal school)NA; moderate motor delay
Behavioral disorderADHDASD, ADHD, sleep disorderADHD, sleep disorderNANAASDASD, ADHDASDhappy dispositionattention seeking, volatileASD
Epilepsycomplex partialgeneral and focal
Feeding difficultiesinfancy onlygastrostomy-fedcongenital pyloric stenosisprevious gastrostomyNArefluxreflux, regurgitationreflux, episodic vomitingepisodic vomiting
Congenital heart disease (S indicates age at surgery)perimembraneous VSD, double orifice mitral valvehypoplastic left heart (S: 4 days, 3 months, 4 years)atrial septal defect, VSD, bicuspid aortic valve, hypoplastic aortic arch (S: unknown)coarctation of the aorta, subaortic stenosis, mitral stenosis (S: 5 months)tetralogy of Fallot (S: 9 months)VSD, PFO
Othermetopic synostosisanterior anus, recto-perianal fistulaundescended testesrectal mucosal prolapse

Abbreviations and symbols are as follows: + = present; − = absent; NA = information not available; f = female; m = male; ACC = agenesis of the corpus callosum; ADHD = attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder; ASD = autism spectrum disorder; PFO = patent foramen ovale; SEN = special educational needs; and VSD = ventricular septal defect.
