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Fig. (2)

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Effects of NXT on ox-LDL cellular uptake and cholesterol efflux both in THP-1 derived macrophage and BMDM (F represents for fenofibrate, a well-known hypolipidemic drug and PPARα agonist. G represents for GW6471, a well-known PPARα antagonist). A - D After 6h starvation, macrophages were exposed to different treatments for another 24h. Finally, cells were stained with Oil Red O for detecting. A is THP-1 derived macrophages and C is bone marrow derived macrophages (n=5). B and D Statistical quantification of Oil Red O staining in macrophages. B is THP-1 derived macrophages and D is bone marrow derived macrophages. E and F DiI-ox-LDL cellular uptake in macrophages. E is THP-1 derived macrophages and F is bone marrow derived macrophages (n=5). G and H Statistical quantification of DiI-ox-LDL uptaking in macrophages. G is THP-1 derived macrophages and H is bone marrow-derived macrophages. All data were expressed as mean ± SEM. *p <0.05, compared with treatment of ox-LDL. I and J Cells were exposed to different treatments for 12h, after 3 times washing with cold PBS, NBD-cholesterol was added into the medium and cells were incubated for another 6h. Finally, cells were cultured in DMEM (no phenol red) medium containing 0.2% (w/v) fatty acid-free BSA or ApoA-I (10ug/mL) for 6 hrs (n=5). The supernatant was collected for detection. I NBD-cholesterol efflux in THP-1. J NBD-cholestrol efflux in BMDM. All data were expressed as mean ± SEM. *p <0.05, compared with treatment with ox-LDL.

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  • Fig. (1)
  • Fig. (2)
  • Fig. (3)
  • Fig. (4)
  • Fig. (5)
  • Fig. (6)
  • Fig. (7)

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