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Published online 2019 Apr 17. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00443


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Correlation coefficients (90%CI) of (A) sum of sprinting distance and (B) acceleration sum with % of differences (pre-post) of body composition and fitness variables. BM, body mass; FM, fat mass; LM, lean mass; VO2max, maximal oxygen consumption; HRmax, maximal heart rate; PTLQ, peak torque left anterior (quadriceps); PTRQ, peak torque right anterior (quadriceps); PTLP, peak torque left posterior (hamstrings); PTRP, peak torque right posterior (hamstrings); QUADS/HAMS, quadriceps/hamstrings.

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  • FIGURE 1
  • FIGURE 2
  • FIGURE 3

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