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Addition of Treg-associated T1D SNPs enhances sensitivity of PBMC-based algorithms.

New algorithms were created using combinations of gene signature data from PBMCs (isolated from cross-sectional T1D and healthy cohorts) and a single indicated SNP genotype included as categorical value (i.e., each genotype given a specific weight) or as the number of disease variants/alleles (NDV) (i.e., 0, 1, or 2). (A and B) Genotype was included as categorical value, and (CH) genotype was included as NDVs. (I) Biomarker scores and algorithm details combining gene signature data and the average number of (Avg) disease variants across all SNPs assessed. Horizontal lines represent means, with SD represented by error bars; dashed horizontal lines represent cutoffs for sensitivity and specificity calculations. glm, general linearized model.

Images in this article

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4
  • Figure 5
  • Figure 6
  • Figure 7
  • Figure 8
  • Figure 9

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