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Published online 2019 May 16. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10210-3

Fig. 2

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TYGS result for the Mycobacterium data set. Tree inferred with FastME 2.1.456 from GBDP distances calculated from genome sequences. Branch lengths are scaled in terms of GBDP distance formula d5; numbers above branches are GBDP pseudo-bootstrap support values from 100 replications. Leaf labels are annotated by affiliation to species (1) and subspecies (2) clusters, genomic G+C content (3), δ values (4), overall genome sequence length (5), number of proteins (6), and the kind of strain (7). User-provided GenBank accession IDs are shown in parentheses; master record accessions are truncated

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  • Fig. 1
  • Fig. 2
  • Fig. 3

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