Fig. 1

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S1PR3 is increased in the mPFC of resilient rats. a Mean defeat latencies averaged over 7 days in VUL and RES rats (n = 8/group, Student’s t-test). b Fold mPFC S1pr3 mRNA (relative to ND controls) in ND (n = 11), VUL (n = 9), and RES (n = 9) rats. c Correlation between mean defeat latency and mPFC S1pr3 mRNA expression in VUL and RES rats. d Images (captured at 20×) and quantification of S1PR3 protein immunoreactivity (IR) indicating increased expression in RES rats (n = 6) compared to ND (n = 7) and VUL (n = 8) rats in e GAD67− neurons in PL f GAD67+ neurons in PL, g GAD67− neurons in IL, and h GAD67+ neurons in IL. White lines in the top right corner of each panel represent 50 µm. Bars represent means + SEM. For a, *p < 0.05 using Student’s t-test. For b, eh, ***p < 0.001, *p < 0.05 in RES compared ND and VUL rats as calculated by Tukey’s post-hoc test following one-way ANOVA. Arrows indicate S1PR3-IR neurons that are + or − for GAD67
