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Figure 4.

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Effect of Ang II on mIPSCs in labeled PVN neurons. A, Representative tracings from a FluoSphere-labeled neuron in the PVN showing mIPSCs recorded during control, application of 2 μm Ang II, washout, and application of 20 μm bicuculline. Note that bicuculline completely eliminated mIPSCs. B, C, Cumulative probability plot analysis of mIPSCs of the same neuron showing the distribution of the interevent interval (B) and peak amplitude (C) during control, Ang II application, and washout. Ang II increased the interevent interval of mIPSCs (p < 0.05; Kolmgorov—Smirnov test) without changing the distribution of the amplitude. D, Superimposed averages of 100 consecutive mIPSCs obtained during control and Ang II application. The decay phase of mIPSCs was best fitted with a double-exponential function. Both fast (τ = 5.69 msec) and slow(τ =16.71 msec) components of the decay phase during control and Ang II administration were similar. E,F, Summary data showing the effect of 2 μm Ang II on the frequency (E) and amplitude (F) of mIPSCs of nine labeled PVN neurons. Data are presented as means ± SEM (*p < 0.05 compared with the control; Kruskal—Wallis ANOVA, followed by Dunn's post hoc test).

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  • Figure 1.
  • Figure 2.
  • Figure 3.
  • Figure 4.
  • Figure 5.
  • Figure 6.
  • Figure 7.
  • Figure 8.
  • Figure 9.

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