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Microbiol Resour Announc. 2020 Feb; 9(6): e01439-19.
Published online 2020 Feb 6. doi: 10.1128/MRA.01439-19
PMCID: PMC7005117
PMID: 32029569

Five Complete Genome Sequences Spanning the Dutch Streptococcus suis Serotype 2 and Serotype 9 Populations

Julie C. Dunning Hotopp, Editor
Julie C. Dunning Hotopp, University of Maryland School of Medicine;

Associated Data

Data Availability Statement

The zoonotic pathogen Streptococcus suis can cause septicemia and meningitis in humans. We report five complete genomes of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 and serotype 9, covering the complete phylogeny of serotype 9 Dutch porcine isolates and zoonotic isolates. The isolates include the model strain S10 and the Dutch emerging zoonotic lineage.


The zoonotic pathogen Streptococcus suis can cause septicemia and meningitis in humans. We report five complete genomes of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 and serotype 9, covering the complete phylogeny of serotype 9 Dutch porcine isolates and zoonotic isolates. The isolates include the model strain S10 and the Dutch emerging zoonotic lineage.


Streptococcus suis is an opportunistic pathogen in pigs which can cause zoonotic infections. Human infections are predominantly caused by S. suis serotype 2 (1) and can lead to septicemia and meningitis (2). We recently identified a zoonotic S. suis serotype 2 clone belonging to clonal complex 20 (CC20), which emerged from a nonzoonotic serotype 9 CC16 clone (3) in the Netherlands. To facilitate further research on the zoonotic potential of S. suis, we sequenced the genomes of S. suis serotype 9 CC16 and CC20 strains, isolated from diseased pigs, and three serotype 2 strains, including strain S10 (CC1, pig) and two CC20 strains, one each from human and porcine infections (Table 1). Data were generated using Illumina and Nanopore MinION sequencing technologies.


Isolate details, genome information, and accession numbers

IsolateIsolation sourceSerotypeClonal complexGenome length (bp)GC content (%)No. of total CDSsaNanopore read N50 (bp)No. of Nanopore readsNanopore coverage (×)Nanopore run accession no.Illumina run accession no.Assembly accession no.
861160Human CSFb2202,148,82441.102,02913,5897,55723ERR3664732ERR1055554GCA_902702745
GD-0001Diseased pig2202,125,46841.242,01425,83110,49054ERR3664733ERR1055586GCA_902702785
9401240Diseased pig9202,195,21541.432,03611,19230,41860ERR3664735ERR1055578GCA_902702775
GD-0088Diseased pig9162,298,01241.202,2137,65715,32127ERR3664734ERR1055627GCA_902702765
S10Diseased pig212,048,27541.321,95215,20820,25172ERR3664731ERR1055646GCA_902702755
aCDSs, coding sequences.
bCSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

S. suis was grown overnight in Todd-Hewitt broth supplemented with yeast extract (THY), and genomic DNA was isolated using the Qiagen MagAttract high-molecular-weight (HMW) DNA extraction kit. The sequence library was constructed using the native barcoding (catalog number EXP-NBD114) and ligation sequencing (catalog number SQK-LSK109) kits (Oxford Nanopore). DNA was repaired and A tailed using NEBNext formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) DNA repair mix and the NEBNext Ultra II end repair/dA-tailing module (New England BioLabs). A barcode was ligated to the A-tailed DNA using blunt/TA ligase master mix (New England Biolabs). Sequence adapters were ligated to barcoded samples pooled by equal mass with Quick T4 DNA ligase (New England BioLabs). The library was loaded on the flow cell (FLO-MIN106D [R9]) and sequenced using MinKNOW fast base calling version 3.5.5. Default parameters were used for all tools except where noted otherwise. Illumina data were available from our previous study (Table 1) (3).

Illumina read filtering was performed using fastp version 0.20.0 (4). MinION reads were filtered for quality and length using Filtlong version 0.2.0 (5), using the filtered Illumina reads as reference. FastQC version 0.11.8 was used for quality control (6). Illumina and MinION reads were used in a hybrid assembly using Unicycler version 0.4.8, which also performs assembly trimming, circularizing, and rotating (7). Assembly statistics were collected using Quast version 4.6.3 (8). Coverage was assessed using Minimap2 version 2.17 (9), SAMtools version 1.9 (10), and BEDTools version 2.29.0 (11). The complete genomes were annotated using Prokka version 1.14.0 (12). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) was performed using mlst version 2.17.6 (13). For workflow management, Snakemake version 5.7.1 (14) was used. The pipeline is freely available from

Genomes of all five strains consisted of a single chromosome ranging from 2,042,889 to 2,292,626 bp with a GC content of 41.10 to 41.43% and a coverage of 23 to 72×, determined using Nanopore data (Table 1).

Draft assemblies of the five strains were 46 to 74 kbp smaller than the complete genomes. Mapping the draft genomes to the complete genomes revealed no missing regions in the draft genomes. The draft genomes are likely smaller than the complete genomes due to the collapse of repeats, which has been described before (15).

Data availability.

Nanopore, fastq, and fast5 data, as well as the assembled genome sequences, have been deposited in ENA under the accession numbers listed in Table 1 and study number PRJEB35407.


This study was funded through EU-Horizon2020 grant 727966 (PIGSs) and an Amsterdam UMC Ph.D. grant. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.


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