Table 2

List of important pathogenic coronaviruses

Human CoV‐229EAlphaHumanMild respiratory tract infections
Human CoV‐NL63AlphaHumanMild respiratory tract infections
PRCV/ISU‐1AlphaPigMild respiratory tract infections
TGEV/PUR46‐MADAlphaPigDiarrhea, with 100% mortality in piglets less than 2‐wk‐old
PEDV/ZJU‐G1‐2013AlphaPigSevere watery diarrhea
SeACoV‐CH/GD‐01AlphaPigSevere and acute diarrhea and acute vomiting
Canine CoV/TU336/F/2008AlphaDogMild clinical signs, diarrhea
Camel alphacoronavirus isolate camel/RiyadhAlphaCamelAsymptomatic
Feline infectious peritonitis virusAlphaCatFever, vasculitis, and serositis, with or without effusions
Human CoV‐HKU1BetaHumanPneumonia
Human CoV‐OC43BetaHumanMild respiratory tract infections
SARS‐CoVBetaHumanSevere acute respiratory syndrome, 10% mortality rate
MERS‐CoVBetaHumanSevere acute respiratory syndrome, 37% mortality rate
Bovine CoV/ENTBetaCowDiarrhea
Equine CoV/Obihiro12‐1BetaHorseFever, anorexia, leucopenia
MHV‐A59BetaMouseAcute pneumonia and severe lung injuries
Beluga Whale CoV/SW1GammaWhalePulmonary disease, terminal acute liver failure
IBVGammaChickenSevere respiratory disease
Bulbul coronavirus HKU11DeltaBulbulRespiratory disease (collected from respiratory tract of dead wild birds)
Sparrow coronavirus HKU17DeltaSparrowRespiratory disease (collected from respiratory tract of dead wild birds)
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