Table 1.

Clinical Characteristics of 60 Patients With COVID-19 Pneumonia

CharacteristicPatientsNormal Range
Age, y, median (IQR)60 (38–66)
Male, No. (%)22 (37)
Comorbidities, No. (%)
 Hypertension9 (15)
 Diabetes6 (10)
 Heart diseases1 (2)
Symptoms, No. (%)
 Fever42 (70)
 Cough29 (48)
 Breath shortness19 (32)
 Myalgia8 (13)
Bilateral lung distribution, No. (%)40 (67)
Severe illness on admission, No. (%)19 (32)
Blood count, ×109/L, median (IQR)
 Leukocyte4.2 (3.3–5.9)3.5–9.5
 Neutrophil2.8 (2.2–4.5)1.8–6.3
 Lymphocyte0.8 (0.6–1.2)1.1–3.2
 Platelet186 (131–225)125–350
Inflammatory indicators, median (IQR)
 ESR, mm/h 24 (11–41)0–15
 C-reactive protein, mg/L 26 (9–67)0–10
 Interleukin-6, pg/mL13 (6–29)0–7
Treatment, No. (%)
 Oxygen inhalation28 (47)
 Corticosteroid27 (45)
 Antiviral treatment41 (68)
  Arbidol22 (37)
  Darunavir and cobicistat14 (23)
  Lopinavir and ritonavir10 (17)
  Remdesivir9 (15)
  Ribavirin6 (10)
  Interferon inhalation19 (32)
 Immune enhancer23 (38)
  Thymalfasin19 (32)
  Immunoglobulin6 (10)

Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; IQR, interquartile range.
