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Fig. 1

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Alignment and phylogenetic analysis of EsMYB90 and other MYB proteins. a The EsMYB90 protein sequence was aligned with a set of related R2R3-MYB proteins from 10 plant species. Identical amino acids are shaded in dark blue, and the greater than or equal to the identity of 75, 50, and 33% are indicated in shade of pink, light blue, and yellow, respectively. R2 and R3 domains refer to two repeats of the MYB DNA binding domain. Box (A): the conserved motif ANDV in the R3 domain for dicot anthocyanin-promoting MYBs; Box (B): the C-terminal-conserved motif KPRPR [S/T] F for Arabidopsis anthocyanin-promoting MYBs; Black arrows: the specific residues of [D/E]Lx2[R/K]x3Lx6Lx3R that confer to the interaction with bHLH. b Phylogenetic analysis of EsMYB90 and other 28 MYB proteins. The MYB protein sequences were downloaded from the GenBank database with accession numbers showed in the diagram. EsMYB5, EsMYB90 and EsMYB96 are from E. salsugineum, and EsMYB90 is highlighted in a bold blue box, while EsMYB5 and EsMYB96 are highlighted in a thin blue box. MYB proteins from the cruciferae plants in the clade I have higher identities to EsMYB90 than that in clades II to IV

Images in this article

  • Fig. 1
  • Fig. 2
  • Fig. 3
  • Fig. 4
  • Fig. 5
  • Fig. 6
  • Fig. 7
  • Fig. 8

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