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Figure 1a:

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Unenhanced chest CT images in a 45-year-old woman with 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) pneumonia. (a) Coronal CT scan shows multiple bilateral areas of consolidation with some central low attenuation suggesting an organizing pneumonia pattern. (b) Axial image shows the right lower lobe organizing pneumonia and an early crazy-paving pattern in the left lower lobe. (c) CT coronal reformation obtained 2 days later shows that the bilateral consolidations have increased in CT value. (d) Corresponding axial CT scan shows that the crazy-paving pattern has resolved.

Images in this article

  • Figure 1a:
  • Figure 1b:
  • Figure 1c:
  • Figure 1d:
  • Figure 2a:
  • Figure 2b:
  • Figure 2c:

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