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Figure 1

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Object name is EXCLI-19-762-g-001.jpg
The original microscopic images for histology results of prostate. Grade 0: Normal epithelium. Grade 1: hyperplasia; Simple flat lesions. Grade 2: hyperplasia; Papillary or cribriform structures. Grade 3: hyperplasia; Papillary or cribriform lesions which protrude into lumen. Grade 4: adenoma; Lesions in which the lumen of acinus is completely filled with epithelium. Grade 5: adenoma; Lesion with a distinct epithelial mass within the lumen. Grade 6: adenocarcinoma, unwell differentiated epithelium with local invasion seems in the lesion.

Images in this article

  • Table 1
  • Table 2
  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3

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