Figure 1.

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Binding modes of 3 candidate peptides housed at the GRP78-binding regions on SARS-CoV-2 Spike (PDB ID: 6LZG). The spike is represented here by white surface (top) and green cartoon (bottom). The interacting residues of the Spike protein are colored in orange in the surface representation. The peptide satpdb18674 residues SER-4, TYR-2, and PHE-5 interacted with the CYS-480, ASN-481, and PHE-486 of region IV of the Spike. Satpdb12488 residues MET-5, PHE-4, THR-13, ASP-16, THR-2, THR-3, and TYR-15 interacted with TYR-473, TYR-453, ALA-475, and ARG-403 from region III and satpdb28899 (ARG-1, ASP-20, LEU-19, GLU-17, THR-15, and SER-16) interacted with GLU-484, ARG-466, TYR-351, SER-349, and ARG-346 from the same region. GRP78 indicates glucose-regulating protein 78; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.
