Table 1

Basal clinicopathological characteristics of 246 HCC patients with PVTT with and without PA-TACE

FeaturesRecurrence more than one month (n=246)
Total patients (n=246)Non-PA-TACE (n=156)PA-TACE (n=90)P
Preoperative Factors
Age (mean (SD))48.62 (10.43)47.88 (10.27)49.89 (10.62)0.147
Sex (Male/Female) (%)226 (91.9)/20 (8.1)140 (89.7)/16 (10.3)86 (95.6)/4 (4.4)0.172
Tumor rupture (Yes/No) (%)8 (3.3)/238 (96.7)6 (3.8)/150 (96.2)2 (2.2)/88 (97.8)0.750
Child-pugh (A/B) (%)209 (85.0)/37 (15.0)141 (90.4)/15 (9.6)68 (75.6)/22 (24.4)0.003
HBsAg (Positive/Negative) (%)222 (90.2)/24 (9.8)144 (92.3)/12 (7.7)78 (86.7)/12 (13.3)0.225
HBV-DNA (≥2000/<2000 IU/mL) (%)128 (52.0)/118 (48.0)84 (53.8)/72 (46.2)44 (48.9)/46 (51.1)0.537
Antiviral therapy (Yes/No) (%)18 (7.3) /228 (92.7)9 (5.8) /147 (94.2)9 (10.0) /81 (90.0)0.330
AFP (˃400/≤400, ng/ml) (%)167 (67.9)/79 (32.1)110 (70.5)/46 (29.5)57 (63.3)/33 (36.7)0.308
Tbi (mean, μmol/L) (SD)16.72 (24.89)18.51 (30.89)13.61 (5.24)0.138
PALB (mean, g/L) (SD)178.88 (56.10)184.29 (60.89)169.51 (45.46)0.046
Alb (mean, g/L) (SD)41.28 (3.75)41.22 (3.88)41.41 (3.54)0.703
PLT (≥100/<100*109) (%)29 (11.8)/217 (88.2)24 (15.4)/132 (84.6)5 (5.6)/85 (94.4)0.036
INR (mean (SD))1.01 (0.08)1.01 (0.08)1.00 (0.07)0.482
Intraoperative and Pathological Factors
Transfusion (Yes/No) (%)92 (37.4)/154 (62.6)71 (45.5)/85 (54.5)21 (23.3)/69 (76.7)0.001
Type of resection (anatomical/nonanatomical) (%)75 (30.5)/171 (69.5)45 (28.8)/111 (71.2)30 (33.3)/60 (66.7)0.553
Hilar clamping time (mean, minutes) (SD)20.64 (11.98)20.43 (13.27)21.00 (9.41)0.72
Tumor size (<10/5-10/≤5cm) (%)92 (37.4)/111 (45.1)/43 (17.5)67 (42.9)/67 (42.9)/22 (14.1)25 (27.8)/44 (48.9)/21 (23.3)0.034
Tumor Number (>1/1) (%)86 (35.0)/160 (65.0)55 (35.3)/101 (64.7)31 (34.4)/59 (65.6)1.000
Cirrhosis (Yes/No) (%)153 (62.2)/93 (37.8)103 (66.0)/53 (34.0)50 (55.6)/40 (44.4)0.135
Tumor capsule (Complete/Incomplete/Absent) (%)13 (5.3)/112 (45.5)/121 (49.2)9 (5.8))/62 (39.7)/85 (54.54 (4.4)/50 (55.6)/36 (40.0)0.056
Satellite lesions (Yes/No) (%)32 (13.0)/214 (87.0)21 (13.5)/135 (86.5)11 (12.2)/79 (87.8)0.935
MVI (Yes/No) (%)216 (87.8)/30 (12.2)142 (91.0)/14 (9.0)74 (82.2)/16 (17.8)0.067
Edmondson-Steiner grade (III-IV/II) (%)33 (13.4)/213 (86.6)11 (7.1)/145 (92.9)22 (24.4)/68 (75.6)<0.001
Postoperative and prePA-TACE
postHBsAg (Positive/Negative) (%)222 (90.2)/24 (9.8)144 (92.3)/12 (7.7)78 (86.7)/12 (12.3)0.225
postHBV-DNA (≥2000/<2000 IU/mL) (%)101 (41.1)/145 (58.9)71 (45.5)/85 (54.5)30 (34.4)/60 (65.6)0.083
postAFP (>400/≤400, ng/ml) (%)93 (37.8)/153 (62.2)75 (48.1)/81 (51.9)18 (20.0)/72 (80.0)<0.001
postTbi (mean (SD))21.31 (38.82)25.18 (48.18)14.59 (5.82)0.039
postAlb (mean (SD))43.53 (35.09)40.66 (23.67)48.52 (48.73)0.091
postPLT (≥100/<100×109) (%)38 (15.4)/208 (84.6)25 (16.0)/131 (84.0)13 (14.4)/77 (85.6)0.883
postINR (mean (SD))1.08 (0.10)1.08 (0.11)1.07 (0.09)0.268
postAntiviral therapy (Yes/No) (%)25 (10.2)/221 (89.8)13 (8.3)/143 (91.7)12 (13.3)/78 (86.7)0.302

Bold values indicate statistical significance (P < 0.05). HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; PVTT, Portal Vein Tumor Thrombus; PA-TACE, postoperative adjuvant transarterial chemoembolization; AFP, α-fetoprotein; Tbi, total bilirubin; PALB, prealbumin; Alb, albumin; PLT, blood platelet; INR, international normalized ratio; MVI, microvascular invasion.
