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NDRG2 repression of ASCT2 controls EMT progression and cell survival in metastatic tumor. We gained ASCT2 expression in NDRG2-ovexpressing MC3 cells and determined the cell biological behaviors. (A) Representative bioluminescence imaging photographs of tumor burden 4 weeks after the subcutaneous injection of indicated cells. (B) The Tumor size was measured and tumor volume was calculated. (C, D) Levels of indicated protein (C) or mRNA (D) expressions were determined by western blotting or qPCR respectively. (E, F) The migratory and invasive behavior of indicated cells were determined (E) and quantified (F). (G, H) Representative images (G) and statistical analysis (H) of the lung metastasis upon tail vein injection of indicated cells. (I) Quantification of metastatic area in lungs (area of metastatic lesions, %of total lung area). Data are expressed as means ± SD (n = 3). *, P <0.01. **, P <0.001,

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  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4
  • Figure 5
  • Figure 6
  • Figure 7
  • Figure 8

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