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Table 5

Multiple linear regression analysis: percentage of change between EaS and EnS in TM and TS with workload parameters, baseline fitness levels, and PHV.

Variable Beta Estimate |t| p Value 95% CI for Estimated
TM (%)β0−220.40.990.345−716.3 to 275.5R2 = 0.81
PHV (years)β110.52.44 0.035 0.91 to 20.02
Maturity offset (years)β28.71.430.184−4.89 to 22.31
COD (Seconds)β31.50.230.826−12.80 to 15.69
RPP (watts)β4≤00010.020.988−0.19 to 0.19
RMP (watts)β50.11.070.309−0.11 to 0.31
RAP (watts)β6−0.112.99 0.014 −0.19 to −0.03
RFI (%)β71.280.480.641−4.66 to 7.2
AWL (A.U.)β8≤00010.380.715−0.02 to 0.03
CWL (A.U.)β9−−0.02 to 0.01
ACWLR (A.U.)β10−2.440.770.460−9.51 to 4.63
TM (A.U.)β112.850.300.768−18.03 to 23.72
TS (A.U.)β12≤00010.640.538−0.01 to 0.02
Variable Beta Estimate |t| p value 95% CI for Estimated
TS (%)β0−144.800.240.817−1504 to 1215R2 = 0.52
PHV (years)β1−4.410.380.715−30.62 to 21.79
Maturity offset (years)β27.530.450.663−29.76 to 44.81
COD (Seconds)β31.910.110.916−37.14 to 40.96
RPP (watts)β4−0.110.480.643−0.62 to 0.40
RMP (watts)β50.080.320.758−0.49 to 0.66
RAP (watts)β60.040.350.735−0.19 to 0.27
RFI (%)β72.520.340.738−13.78 to 18.81
AWL (A.U.)β8≤00010.110.914−0.07 to 0.06
CWL (A.U.)β90.010.350.733−0.03 to 0.04
ACWLR (A.U.)β108.671.000.343−10.72 to 28.06
TM (A.U.)β112.410.090.927−54.83 to 59.65
TS (A.U.)β12≤00010.130.896−0.05 to 0.05

Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) are highlighted in bold. β0 = Y; EaS = early-season; EnS = end-season; PHV = Peak height velocity; COD = change of direction; RPP = RAST of peak power; RMP = RAST of minimum power; RAP = RAST of average power; RFI = RAST of fatigue index; AWL = acute workload; CWL = chronic workload; ACWLR = acute: chronic workload ration; TM = training monotony; and TS = training strain; % = the percentage of change in between assessments from EaS to EnS; and CI = confidence interval.
