Table 3

Proportion of social media posts about COVID-19 containing misinformation, literature review of COVID-19-related misinformation on social media, 2020
Study referenceType of social media studiedTotal no. of tweets or posts sampledTweets or posts containing misinformation or jokes or both, no. (%)No. of retweets or repostings of the tweet or post containing misinformation
Mustafa et al.20Twitter212 846413 (0.2)NR
Kawchuk et al.14Facebook1 35097 (7.2)NR
Pulido Rodríguez et al.23Twitter1 923168 (8.7)2 338
Pulido et al.22Twitter942100 (10.6)59 955
Pulido Rodríguez et al.23Weibo1 923206 (10.7)232
Jimenez-Sotomayor et al.5Twitter35150 (14.2)NR
Kouzy et al.15Twitter673194a (28.8)NR

COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019; NR: not reported.

a Of the 194 tweets, 153 were classified as misinformation and 41 were classified as humour.
